New Revenue Streams.

Unlock the power of compliant, speed-to-market payments in emerging markets with CROSS SWITCH. An orchestration payments platform for merchants and enterprise partners, providing solutions for effortless, trusted cross-border and domestic payment processing.

Our core focus is on the unique needs of e-commerce merchants, payment service providers, banks, card schemes and alternate payment methods, especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

CROSS SWITCH’S CS+ Payment Processing Platform is scalable, highly secure, and feature-rich, ensuring a seamless experience for our global clients and their customers who are increasing revenue by entering into new economies.

Specialising in over 40+ countries across Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia


With our cutting-edge CS+ Payments Processing Platform you can say goodbye to the complexities  of payments in challenging markets. We offer speed-to-market solutions that ensure your transactions are processed swiftly and securely.


We understand the potential of emerging markets and have tailored solutions specifically for them. By leveraging our CS+ Platform, you can tap into the vast opportunities these markets offer. And effortlessly scale your business.


Integrating into CROSS SWITCH’S CS+ Platform is tailored for any use case. With our user-friendly interface, existing APIs, our experienced technical team and comprehensive documentation, our CS+ Platform takes you live in a matter of hours.


Flexible, Scalable, Trusted.

Experience the power and reliability of our modular based solution, CS+ with service-oriented architecture that will enable you to expand into new markets with speed. With features like separation of duties, scalability, extendibility, and maintainability, our platform is designed to meet your specific needs and grow with your business.

Our extensive performance testing has proven its reliability, delivering  impressive transactions per second.  CROSS SWITCH’S technology is fully compliant with PCI DSS  standards, ensuring the highest level of security for your sensitive data.

Direct integrations with key service providers such as M-pesa, Airtel, MTN, Vodafone, Orange for mobile money transactions, local card acquirers for card payments, and Acuant, Accertify, Cybersource, NetCetera for 3DS security ensure compliant, smooth and secure transactions for our clients.

Over 100 payment methods and currency combinations


At CROSS SWITCH, we believe in creating payment solutions that are not just innovative, but also deeply rooted in the needs and aspirations of our clients.

With a focus on customer-driven development, every feature we engineer is designed to meet specific customer needs  and set us apart. We develop and build in incremental steps, learning from each phase to improve and optimise the next.


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Compliant, trusted


payment solutions.